Here are the Steps to Making an Appointment:
First: Decide if you want a Medical Visit or if you would like an Educational Visit.
Medical Visit
For people who can come to NY or CT for their appointment.
- Schedule 15 Minute Discovery Call
- Submit Online Health History Questionnaires
- Schedule First Visit – 2 hour deep dive into your health status, you’ll leave with a working plan that may include food and lifestyle changes, supplements, and lab tests
- First Follow Up Visit to check in on progress, review labs, refine the long term plan
- Continued follow-up care as needed
Educational Visit
For people who cannot come to NY or CT for an appointment.
- Schedule 15 Minute Discovery Call
- Submit Educational Visit Request Form
- Schedule your appointment – 1-2 hour deep dive into the health topic(s) of your choice. We’ll review traditional, integrative, and functional medicine approaches including diet, lifestyle, herbs, supplements, medicines, and hormones.
- Dr. Fitz does not become your doctor. She does not review history, order labs, make a diagnosis or treatment plan.
Schedule Your Call